Red White and Blue Scramble Results

Red White and Blue Scramble Results



Saturday July 4


30 teams played


1st Flight

1st place          Team Gustas               58        $68

2nd place          Team Zuccarelli           59        $36

2nd Flight

1st place          Team Regas                 61        $68

2nd place          Team Parcaro              62        $36

3rd Flight

1st place          Team Rybicki               66        $78

2nd place          Team   Will                  66        $42

4th Flight

1st place          Team Aring                 69        $68

2nd place          Team Puklo                 69        $36


Flights are determined by 1st six scores and any ties at the sixth score.


Ties are broken by USGA method for scorecard playoff


Skins                $193 each


Hole 1              score 2            Team Abraham


Hole 2              score 2            Team McCarthy


Hole 8              score 3            Team Zuccarelli



Skin pay outs are at the proshop, and all prizes will be in the form of  gift  certificates and emailed.