Turkey Shoot Results

 25 teams played on Saturday November 9th

 Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.


The 1st place team in each flight will receive 4 turkeys, feel free to call the proshop at 219-365-4331 to make arrangements to pick them up.

1st Flight

1st place               57            Team Fleshar                   $68 club credit each player & 4 turkeys

2nd place              64            Team Barnhart                $36 club credit each player

2nd Flight

1st place               68            Team Ready                       $58 club credit each player & 4 turkeys

2nd place             69            Team Zomparelli              $31 club credit each player

3rd Flight

1st place               71            Team Thorbjornsen        $58 club credit each player & 4 turkeys

2nd place             71            Team Kendall                   $31 club credit each player

4th Flight

1st place               76            Team Odle                          $48 club credit each player & 4 turkeys

2nd place             77            Team Styx                            $26 club credit each player

Skin Game

#8, #16, & #17                  Team Fleshar                   $276 cash

#13                                      Team Ready                      $92 cash

#14                                      Team Finn                           $92 cash


#18           Team Creech      Dozen golf balls

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.

Oktoberfest Scramble Results


20 teams played on Saturday October 19th

Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight

1st place               57            Team Bermele                 $58 club credit

2nd place              60            Team Regas                       $31 club credit

2nd Flight 

1st place               66            Team Lindley                    $58 club credit

2nd place             66            Team Schmelzer           $31 club credit

3rd Flight

1st place               71            Team Angerman            $58 club credit

2nd place             72            Team Stewart                   $31 club credit

Skin Game

#7                                              Team Schmelzer           $86 cash

#11                                             Team Angerman            $86 cash

#12                                            Team Bermele                 $86 cash


#18                                             Team Schmelzer           Dozen golf balls

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.

Big Cup Scramble Results

36 teams played on Saturday September 21st

 Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight

1st place               55            Team Daily Jr                   $68 club credit

2nd place              59            Team Sherwood             $36 club credit

2nd Flight

1st place               63            Team Massey                   $58 club credit

2nd place             63            Team Abraham               $31 club credit

3rd Flight

1st place               65            Team Courtney               $68 club credit

2nd place             65            Team Carta                        $36 club credit

4th Flight

1st place               68            Team Evanson                 $58 club credit

2nd place             68            Team Anderson              $31 club credit

5th Flight            

1st place               71            Team Diaz                           $58 club credit

2nd place             71            Team Guzek                      $31 club credit

6th Flight

1st place               76            Team Copak                      $48 club credit

2nd place             76            Team Jonkman                $26 club credit

Skin Game

#2                                                Team Daily Jr.                  $228 cash

#4                                                Team Daily Sr.                 $228 cash

#14                                            Team Courtney               $228 cash


#18                                             Nathan Zuidema (Team Massey)       Dozen golf balls

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.

Fair Scramble Results

16 teams played on Saturday August 17th

Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight

1st place               58            Team Porcaro                  $58 club credit

2nd place              62            Team Koniezcka            $31 club credit

2nd Flight

1st place               65            Team Spano                      $58 club credit

2nd place             67            Team Uchman                $31 club credit

3rd Flight

1st place               73            Team Stewart                   $39 club credit

2nd place             76            Team Edwards                $21 club credit

Skin Game

#7                                                Team Spilde                      $240 cash


#18                                             Josh Smits                           Dozen golf balls

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.

Red White & Blue Scramble Results

30 teams played on Saturday July 6th

Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight

1st place               59            Team Martin                      $58 club credit

2nd place              61            Team Rowan                     $31 club credit

2nd Flight

1st place               63            Team Wulf                           $58 club credit

2nd place             63            Team Ziccardi                  $31 club credit

3rd Flight

1st place               65            Team Tratar                       $87 club credit

2nd place             65            Team Gorman                 $47 club credit

4th Flight

1st place               70            Team Stewart                   $78 club credit

2nd place             70            Team Kendall                   $42 club credit

Skin Game

#7                                                Team Betz                           $230 cash

#8                                                Team Rowan                     $230 cash


#18                                             Team Daily                          Dozen golf balls

Blue White & Red Scramble Results

30 teams played on Sunday July 7th

Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight

1st place               56            Team Flesher                   $58 club credit

2nd place              58            Team Hoffman                $31 club credit

2nd Flight

1st place               61            Team Fries                          $58 club credit

2nd place             61            Team Mueller                   $31 club credit

3rd Flight

1st place               64            Team Cholly                      $58 club credit

2nd place             64            Team Dudzinski             $31 club credit

4th Flight

1st place               66            Team Wozniak                 $58 club credit

2nd place             69            Team Melendez              $31 club credit

5th Flight

1st place               77            Team Bajo                           $48 club credit

2nd place             78            Team Myszak 3               $26 club credit

Skin Game

#4                                                Team Noworyta              $500 cash


#18                                             Team Chiaro                     Dozen golf balls

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.

US Open Scramble Results

14 teams played on Saturday June 8th

Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight

1st place               56            Team Daily Jr                    $78 club credit

2nd place              58            Team Matuszak              $42 club credit

2nd Flight

1st place               67            Team Staples                   $48 club credit

2nd place             68            Team Berkley                    $26 club credit

Skin Game

#14                                             Team Matuszak              $120 cash

#15                                             Team Daily Jr                    $120 cash


#18                                             Kevin Waters                    Dozen golf balls

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.

Derby Day Scramble Results

20 teams played on Saturday May 4th

Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight

1st place          61        Team Clark                  $68 club credit

2nd place          63        Team Kring                  $36 club credit

2nd Flight

1st place          67        Team Larock               $58 club credit

2nd place          67        Team Moloney            $31 club credit

3rd Flight

1st place          71        Team DeMaggio         $58 club credit

2nd place          71        Team Stewart             $31 club credit

Skin Game

#11                              Team Clark                  $340 cash


#18                              Team Kawalec             Dozen golf balls

Derby Winner             Team Hampton           Dozen golf balls

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.

Hello and welcome back to a new golf season!


Here is a list of 2024 Season Pass fees.

All fees are due April 1, 2024.

Also below is a list of rules that coincide with your Season Pass. 

Full Single Season Pass w/ Cart Full Single Season Pass / No Cart
$2,400.00 $1,400.00
Full Couple Season Pass w/ Cart Family Season Pass w/ Cart
$2,800.00 $3,200.00
Weekday Season Pass / With Cart Weekday Season Pass / No Cart
$1,950.00 $1,000.00
Junior Season Pass (No Cart) Junior Range Only Season Pass
$650.00 $300.00
Driving Range Season Pass


Season Pass Holder Rules:

  • Please make tee times during the season
    • NOTE: If you are not able to keep your tee time, please be considerate and cancel. 
  • Must check in at Proshop before golfing
  • Notify what cart number you have
  • No jumping in front of other customers
  • No single carts allowed
    • NOTE: Three some is the only exception
    • If you start out alone and someone joins you, you must pair up after 9.
  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted on course unless bought from Proshop
  • No tailgating in the parking lot

If the rules are violated, we have the right to revoke your season pass without a refund.


We hope to see everyone soon!


Palmira Staff


Oktoberfest Scramble Results

16 teams played on Saturday October 14th

Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.

Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight

1st place          63        Team Meyers              $58 club credit

2nd place          63        Team Sutton              $31 club credit

2nd Flight

1st place          70        Team Sager                 $58 club credit

2nd place          71        Team Pleshar              $31 club credit

3rd Flight

1st place          81        Team Kras                   $39 club credit

2nd place          81        Team Medina              $21 club credit

Skin Game

#3, #12, #13                Team Meyers              $105 cash

#18                              Team Creech               $35 cash

#5, #7, #8                    Team Daily                  $105 cash

#1                                Team Reyna                $35 cash

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.

Big Cup Scramble Results

37 teams played on Saturday September 23rd

Results are flighted by taking the top 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.
Then the next score starts the next flight, again taking the next 6 scores and any ties at the 6th spot.
Ties are broken by scorecard playoff using the USGA method. You take the lowest back nine score. If the back nine is tied, you start with the lowest handicap hole and whichever team has the lowest score on that hole, it breaks the tie. If the tie is not broken, then you proceed to the next lowest handicap hole, continuing until the tie is broken.

Prizes are gift certificates that can be used for green fees, range, food, beverages, etc. at the golf course.

1st Flight
1st place 54 Team Daily $68 club credit
2nd place 59 Team Nicpon $36 club credit

2nd Flight
1st place 64 Team Spilde $68 club credit
2nd place 64 Team Couwenhoven $36 club credit

3rd Flight
1st place 66 Team B. Anderson $68 club credit
2nd place 66 Team Malmquist $36 club credit

4th Flight
1st place 68 Team Abraham $68 club credit
2nd place 68 Team Scherer $36 club credit

5th Flight
1st place 73 Team Davitt $68 club credit
2nd place 75 Team Thomas $36 club credit

Skin Game
#13 Team Wessen $310 cash
#14 Team Couwenhoven $310 cash

CTP #18 Team Krupa Dozen golf balls

Thank you to everyone who played, and we look forward to the next scramble.